The Initiative For Equal Rights

Human Rights 365, ensuring human rights for all everyday

Human rights picture

The International Human Rights Day is observed every 10th of December each year, this year’s theme is tagged “Human Rights 365”. TIERs will be joining the rest of the world with activities that continue to advance the discussions for comprehensive Human rights that include all human regardless of sexual orientation and gender Identity.

This year’s theme underscores the importance for the advancement of human rights for all and at all times. Human rights are vital to every individual inclusive of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. The National Human Rights Commission, Civil Society organizations and Nigerians at large must ensure that all humans enjoy the fulfillment of their rights as entitled to them and guaranteed in the Nigeria Constitution.

Nigeria is a signatory to both international and regional conventions promoting rights of all regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, yet the country discriminate and criminalize some of its citizens, specifically LGBT people. Nigerian constitution guarantees human rights for all humans and government has the responsibility to ensure all humans enjoy this rights at all time and not sometime.

The Nigerian LGBT Community due to discriminatory laws, policies and societal prejudices has been submerged without any option for self-actualization by virtue of their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. TIERs through its program and services, has since inception through different fora been advancing discussions on health and rights of LGBT persons in Nigeria and the role of government in ensuring comprehensive human rights for all citizens.

TIERs will continue to advance discussions on the rights of LGBT persons through community dialogue and discussions with stakeholders on the need to protect human rights of LGBT persons as guaranteed in the Nigerian constitution, regional and international human rights instruments.

Today, we call on the National Human Rights Commission, Civil Society Organizations and Nigerians at large to speak out against criminalization of LGBT persons and the violence perpetuate toward them on the ground of their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.

For more information contact: or call: 08146337128 or 07011472241

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  1. Please get in touch if there is anything I can do to help or even just donate. Bless you all for the work that you do.

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