The Initiative For Equal Rights

Survey On Homosexuality Perception In Nigeria

On the 7th of January, the Nigerian National Assembly passed the Anti-Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, 2013. According to a NOI Polls survey conducted in June 2013, 92% of Nigerians support the legislation,[1] [1] making Nigeria the second-highest rate of non-acceptance of homosexuality out of 45 countries surveyed.

This apparent homophobia is at variance with Google analytics[2] [2] which shows that Nigerians search for gay porn. This shows the disconnection between private vice and public morality.

The interesting challenge posed to the NOI Poll is that there still remains 8% that do not support the legislation.  With a population of 170 million people, 8% amounts to 13.6million people not supporting the legislation. If the poll is an effective reflection of true public opinion, this is significant number that cannot be ignored, amounting to a population of more than 10 small countries in Africa.

The Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERs) in partnership with the Solidarity Alliance for Human Rights in Nigeria (SAHR) is conducting a survey to find out about attitudes and perceptions towards homosexuality in Nigeria. The survey is aimed at Nigerians only and it is entirely anonymous.

We would be very grateful if you could spend just a few minutes completing the form, and encourage you to share it among fellow Nigerians

Fill the Homosexuality Perception Survey here

NOI Poll Survey Result here

Google Gay Porn Search Result here

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. The messages of homosexual should be intensify for the community to understand better. Communities outreach programs around the homophobic communities should be engage.

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