Our human rights work focuses on five programmatic areas: Documentation and Monitoring, Legal Representation, Advocacy and Security Protection, and Storytelling
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We are engaged in an on-going documentation and monitoring of human rights violations that are reported to us
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We are engaged in an on-going documentation and monitoring of human rights violations that are reported to us by individuals and partners in other parts of the country.
The media in any society is a barometer of how the society is thinking and the discourses shaping that society at any giving moment. So we take the media very seriously and monitor how they report and represent the lives of Nigerians. Our media monitoring allows us to design our programmes and policy advocacy using evidence-based research.
Legal Representation and Paralegal Service
Through our in-house lawyer and a team of external lawyers, we provide pro-bono legal aid service to Nigerians.
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Through our in-house lawyer and a team of external lawyers, we provide pro-bono legal aid service to people who have or are experiencing human rights violations. We do this through legal representation at police stations and in courts, and through alternative dispute resolution in Lagos and other parts of Nigeria.
We promote the equal rights of Nigerians through engagement at the national, regional and international human rights bodies.
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Our advocacy at the national level involves engagement with the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) and the State Agencies for the Control of AIDS (SACA) to extend universal health coverage for all.
We also engage in policy analysis and advocacy to improve policy formation and implementation. Through our partners, we have been involved in the validation of the broader gender analysis tool that include intervention for women for NACA and the National Social Protection Policy through the National Planning Commission (NPC).
We use storytelling as a tool to engage and educate the general public on issues relating to human rights in Nigeria.
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We use storytelling as a tool to engage and educate the general public on issues relating to LGBT persons in Nigeria. Our approach includes telling the stories and realities of LGBT persons through books, short and feature films, documentaries and other forms of audiovisual. We tell these stories to highlight the realities of LGBT persons and provide an alternative narrative to the general public.
Security Protection
We offer security and safety information to ensure that human rights violation and mob attacks are kept to a minimum.
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We offer security and safety information to ensure that human rights violations and mob attacks are kept to a minimum. Through our 24/7 dedicated telephone helplines, people are able to report attacks and seek immediate assistance.
Please call 07011472241 or 08146337128 or send us an email: info@initiative4equality.org to report emergencies.
Our sexual health programme focuses on improving access to comprehensive health care services by minorities in Lagos and the environs.
We recognize that living in a hateful society has a negative impact on the well-being of minorities, so psychosocial support and re-integration services for minorities is an important aspect of the service we provide to individuals who face stigma, discrimination and sometimes violence.
Because we understand that some of our service users have jobs which are not flexible enough to allow them access services on weekdays, our services are available every day of the week at the Lekki Centre.
Our Sexual Health work focuses on four programmatic areas: Sexual Health Education, Advocacy, Psychosocial services and HIV/STI Management
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We provide individuals with sexual health education with focus on HIV/AIDS, and other STI prevention and management.
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Sexual Health Education
We provide individuals with sexual health education with focus on HIV/AIDS, and other STI prevention and management.
This exercise is conducted via diverse platforms ranging from Peer education trainings, community dialogues, outreach events and online platforms.
We also employ the use of bulk SMS in disseminating vital health tips, and information on safer sex practices as well as outlets to get safer sex commodities.
We embark on advocacy visits to public and private health facilities, health care providers and other relevant stakeholders to strengthen partnership for an enabling policy environment.
[/vc_column_text][ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#4cadc5″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff” btn_text=”read more” modal_style=”overlay-fade” overlay_bg_color=”#cccccc”]Advocacy
We embark on advocacy visits to public and private health facilities, health care providers and other relevant stakeholders to strengthen partnership for an enabling policy environment in the provision of non-discriminatory services and to ensure increased access to comprehensive treatment free from stigma and discrimination.
[/ultimate_modal][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1473415344112{padding: 20px !important;border: 3px solid #4cadc5 !important;}”][vc_column_text]Psychosocial Services
We provide psychosocial counseling and services to individuals via one-on-one counseling sessions, and also via our Toll-free and hotlines.
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Psychosocial Services
We provide psychosocial counseling and services to community members via a one-on-one counseling session, and also via our Toll-free and hotlines. These psychosocial services ranges from cases of self-denial about the outcome of test results, depression as a result of stigma and discrimination, adherence to treatment and other health related services.
HIV/STI Management
Our HIV Testing and Services team provides individuals with HIV counseling and testing services alongside STI syndromic management
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Our HIV Testing and Services team provides individuals with HIV counseling and testing services alongside STI syndromic management.
Our capacity building programmes offer direct skills building for minority groups. We provide advice on education, life skills empowerment workshops as well as a leadership development programmes in the Anglophone West African sub-region.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1473416446437{padding: 20px !important;border: 3px solid #4cadc5 !important;}”][vc_column_text]
Leadership Development Programme
An initiative to build the capacity of nascent Human Rights activists and organizations in Anglophone West Africa countries.
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Leadership Development Programme
An initiative to build the capacity of nascent Human Rights activists and organizations in Anglophone West Africa countries.
We do this by providing comprehensive trainings on programme design and implementation, fundraising, advocacy and leadership skills for a more sustainable and integrated movement across the sub-region.
The project also links Human Rights activists and organizations to organisational development opportunities, engagements at regional human rights forum, peer learning and fellowship programmes.
We have carried out this programme in Ghana, Sierra Leone and Gambia. Many of the beneficiaries of the programme have contributed to the development of their country’s shadow report on the human rights situation of minority groups.
Sensitization and skills empowerment
We facilitate and conduct workshops to sensitize key stakeholders such as law makers, human rights organizations and health care providers in expanding their knowledge.
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Sensitization and skills empowerment
We facilitate and conduct workshops to sensitize key stakeholders such as law makers, human rights organizations and health care providers in expanding their knowledge. Through our community dialogue, we provide business enterprise development trainings, advice on education and life skills workshops to individuals.
With support from Heartland Alliance, we have conducted diversity training workshops with the police, the civil defence agency, journalists and the Lagos State office of the Citizens’ Complains Office.
Resource Centre
We also operate a resource centre that provides a range of materials on self-development, sexual health, human rights, educational materials and videos.
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Resource Centre
We also operate a resource centre that provides a range of materials on self-development, sexual health, human rights, educational materials and videos. Individuals can also engage in online research and job search and CV development using the resources of the centre.